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Avon Feelin Fresh Deo. 4 IN 1 WHITENING (Women)

I rarely use anything on my underarm even tawas , a Filipino term for Aluminum Potassium Sulfate.
My mom was the one who keeps convincing me to use one because she discovered that I' m not using any deodorant, I believed that I don't need it and I feel uncomfortable to use it until my mom said that I' m a bit smelly, so whose more honest to you than your mom right? hehe
I tried using a Tawas powder, but I got an itchy reaction from that so I stop.
Until one day, there was a friend who was a dealer at Avon, she brought a brochure to our home. I immediately saw the product, even before my hands got hold of it because it was on the front page.

It took my interest to order primarily because I want to try it since it's a cream.
I easily perspire specially in my right underarm, so I thought that this would rescue me from sweating underneath.
It cost Php 99 buy 1 take 1 wow! it's already inexpensive for 60 grams Jewels.
You can really use it for a longer time.
I like its mild smell and its consistency. The first try, I was so pleased because it did really prevent my underarm from sweating, so it's really effective on that matter.
It promised us to have a whiter underarm for one week, but I cannot see any results with my underarm even after a few weeks. I don't know with you, but it's whitening effect did not leave any effect on my underarm instead it even makes my underarm darker, which I think enough reason for me to stop using this product.

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